Inspired by the cottage, anyone fancy a game? It's been a few months.
The game is LazyScum.
The rules and roles are as follows:
That's right, nothing so far...
This is a game where the players decide what they will be.
If you want to play, you need to provide the following:
Character Name
Short description
Night power (if any)
Passive characteristics (if any)
Affectations (if any)
Anything else you want to add
A few rules and guidelines.
The night power can only affect one person. i.e. you can have a protect power that stops one person being killed overnight. You cannot have a protect power that stops everyone being killed overnight.
You can only have an overnight kill power if I have pm'ed you and said you can.
You can only have one night power.
Passive characteristics are effects that will happen in either the night or day phase. i.e. maybe you are a revengeful bastard, and will always vote for the last person that voted for you, or maybe you are a sleeper agent and as soon as someone says a particular word, you wake up during the night and swap allegiances, etc...
Passive characteristics cannot kill anyone, bobby.
You can have multiple passive characteristics if you want, but they cannot be contradictory.
You cannot have a passive characteristic that stops you being lynched or killed overnight.
Affectations are something that your character does or is, and you have to abide by, but don't directly affect the game outcome. i.e. Speaks in a French accent
I will decide your win condition and allegiance, and I will decide who has a kill role. I will tell each of you this information after we have a list of players and before the game starts, so you have time to work them into your character description if you like. However the mafia (and any other groups) will not know who else is in their group and what powers they have until the game starts.
There will be at least two groups to start with, mafia and town. There maybe more throughout the game, depending on the roles you write, that is up to you.
The roles and rules will be posted in a rules thread. The character name, description and night power will be public information from the start. Everything else will be private until it is revealed by either death, or an appropriate game action.
I reserve the right to veto or amend any roles, to keep the game as fair as possible, but i'll try not to.
One last thing. The role you write may, or may not be the role you get, so keep that in mind...
Oh, and in spirit with the name of the game, i'm not planning to try and rush this game through, each "day" will last for 48 hours or so to start with, so if you can only post during the day or during the evening, then everyone should still get the chance to be involved. I would ask that if you sign up, you do intend to take an active role and participate as much as you can. It's only fun if you talk
American Nervoso
Slightly Green
Goddess Jasmine
Mr Russell
Mr Dave