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 Post subject: Old shares, and shares and stuff in general
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:18 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
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Location: Kidbrooke

Whilst clearing out the garage, I found a share certificate for some shares I purchased about 15 years ago. At the time they got smashed by the dotcom bubble thing, so I decided to let them regain some value before I sold them.

Of course, I then forgot they existed, and forgot to change my address relating to them, so all dividends and notifications were sent to an old address.

So, I thought maybe I could sell them now, unless someone unscrupulous has posed as me and sold them in the meantime.

Alas! The company itself was sold in 2012!

So, where do I stand here, legally? I assume I'm on shaky ground and don't actually expect to get a penny back, but theoretically I really should still be able to get that money. I'm gonna guess they sent a cheque or something though.

Anyone with any clues about such matters?

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 Post subject: Re: Old shares, and shares and stuff in general
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:22 
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Joined: 6th Apr, 2008
Posts: 12355
Might this site help?

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 Post subject: Re: Old shares, and shares and stuff in general
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:34 
Filthy Junkie Bitch

Joined: 17th Dec, 2008
Posts: 8293
If shares are held in a UK company and they can't find the shareholders, then for any transaction (dividends, forced sale) the funds must be retained until the shareholder can be found, although there may be a six year limitation on it. We have it with quite a few clients where a minority shareholder has gone AWOL but the company is being sold.

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